Give Your Corporate Recruiters and Candidates Effective Social Network Recruitment Solutions

  • Are you interested in trying Social Recruitment but are not sure how to proceed?
  • Are you unable to fill your candidate applicant flow from normal recruiting channels?

SourceMob SaaS web-based solutions help you locate Passive Candidates from Social and Mobile Media. We distribute your job and conversational content when and where your Candidates want them on their Social Networks.

There is no need to force your best Candidates to have to come back to your website for job postings but instead your job posting and conversations go to them.  We do this by building your own branded Career Centers on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Mobile. We daily synchronization your job content and conversations delivered through any Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to all of your Social Careers Centers.

Effectively and efficiently your Social and Mobile Career Centers synchronize on auto-pilot without the need for IT or your HR Team resources.